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A grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system, also known as a grid-tied or on-grid solar system, is a renewable energy system that generates electricity using solar panels. The generated electricity is used to power homes and businesses, and any excess energy can be fed back into the electrical grid. In this way, grid-connected PV systems play an important role in reducing carbon emissions, promoting energy independence, and increasing access to clean energy.

A grid-connected PV system typically consists of solar panels, an inverter, a charge controller, a monitoring system, and an electrical distribution panel. When exposed to sunlight, solar panels produce direct current (DC) electricity. The inverter then converts this DC electricity into alternating current (AC) electricity, which is what is used in most homes and businesses. The charge controller regulates the flow of electricity between the solar panels, the inverter, and the electrical distribution panel. The monitoring system tracks the performance of the system, and the electrical distribution panel connects the system to the electrical grid.

One of the main advantages of a grid-connected PV system is that it allows you to use solar power even when the sun is not shining. When the sun is shining, the system generates electricity that is used to power your home or business. If the system generates more electricity than you need, the excess energy is fed back into the electrical grid. When the sun is not shining, you can draw electricity from the grid to meet your energy needs. This means that you do not need to store large amounts of energy, which would require batteries and other expensive components.

Another advantage of a grid-connected PV system is that it can reduce your energy costs. By generating your own electricity, you can lower or even eliminate your dependence on the electrical grid, and reduce your monthly energy bill. Additionally, many utility companies offer net metering programs, which allow you to receive credits on your bill for the excess energy that you feed back into the electrical grid.

Grid-connected PV systems are also an environmentally-friendly option. Solar power is a clean, renewable energy source that does not produce greenhouse gases or other harmful emissions. By using solar power, you can reduce your carbon footprint and help to protect the environment.

Finally, grid-connected PV systems are relatively easy to install and maintain. Unlike off-grid systems, grid-connected systems do not require batteries, and they do not need to be connected to a backup generator. This means that they are typically less expensive and less complex than off-grid systems.

What is the Process of Generating Electricity from Grid Connected PV Systems?

The process of generating electricity from grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems involves the following steps:

  • Direct current (DC) electricity is generated by solar panels by converting sunlight into it.
  • An inverter is used to convert the DC electricity into alternating current (AC) electricity.
  • The AC electricity is fed into the electrical grid, where it can be used to power homes, businesses, and other electrical loads.
  • Any excess electricity generated by the PV system is fed back into the electrical grid, and the homeowner can receive credits on their utility bill for the excess energy they provide.
  • The electrical grid acts as a storage system, allowing the homeowner to draw electricity from the grid when their PV system is not generating enough energy, such as at night or on cloudy days.

This system provides a sustainable and cost-effective way to generate electricity, while reducing the demand for traditional fossil fuel-generated electricity.

Types of Grid Connected PV Systems

  1. String Inverter System:This is the most common type of grid-connected PV system. It uses a string inverter to convert DC electricity from the solar panels to AC electricity for use in the home or business.
  2. Micro-Inverter System: This type of grid-connected PV system uses micro-inverters attached to each panel. This allows for maximum energy efficiency and production, as each panel operates independently.
  3. Central Inverter System: This type of grid-connected PV system uses a central inverter to convert the DC electricity from the panels to AC electricity for use in the home or business. It is a more cost-effective solution for larger scale installations.
  4. Battery Backup System:This type of grid-connected PV system includes a battery bank for storing excess energy. This allows the homeowner or business to use the stored energy during power outages or times of high energy demand.
  5. Hybrid System: This type of grid-connected PV system combines the best features of both the micro-inverter and central inverter systems. It uses micro-inverters for each panel to optimize energy production, but also includes a central inverter and battery bank for backup power during outages.

Grid Connected System with Batteries

Grid connected PV systems with batteries are a type of renewable energy system that combine photovoltaic (PV) panels and battery storage to generate and store electricity. These systems are designed to work in conjunction with the main electrical grid, which serves as a backup power source during periods when the PV panels and battery storage are unable to produce enough energy to meet the needs of the building.

The grid connected PV system with batteries consists of several key components:

  • Photovoltaic panels: These panels convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity, which is then stored in the battery.
  • Battery storage: The battery storage is where the excess electricity generated by the PV panels is stored for later use.
  • Inverter: The inverter is responsible for converting the DC electricity generated by the PV panels into alternating current (AC) electricity, which is the standard form of electricity used in homes and businesses.
  • Electrical meter: The electrical meter measures the amount of electricity that is being produced by the PV panels, consumed by the building, and sent back to the grid.
  • Grid connection: The grid connection allows the system to be connected to the main electrical grid, which serves as a backup power source when the PV panels and battery storage are unable to meet the energy needs of the building.

The main benefits of grid connected PV systems with batteries include increased energy independence, reduced energy costs, and improved energy efficiency. With this type of system, energy can be stored during periods of high energy production and then used during periods of low energy production. This helps to reduce the amount of energy that needs to be purchased from the main electrical grid, leading to cost savings for the building owner. Additionally, the battery storage component helps to improve the overall efficiency of the system, as it ensures that any excess energy produced by the PV panels is not lost.

See Also: Solar PV Modules: Features, Applications, and Working Principle

Grid-connected PV systems: advantages and disadvantages



Cost Effective

Grid connected PV systems are cost-effective because they do not require batteries to store excess energy.


The grid provides a constant supply of electricity, so the system is always reliable even if there is a shortage of sun or a technical fault.


The excess energy generated by the system can be sold back to the grid, increasing the efficiency of the system.

Low Maintenance

Grid connected PV systems require low maintenance as they do not have batteries or complicated inverters.

Increased Energy Efficiency

The grid provides a constant supply of electricity, so the system is always reliable even if there is a shortage of sun or a technical fault.




Dependence on Grid

The system is dependent on the grid, so it will not work if there is a power cut or grid failure.

Limited Energy Supply

The system cannot provide energy if there is a shortage of sun, making it dependent on the grid.

Initial Cost

The initial cost of installation can be high, making it difficult for some households to switch to a grid connected PV system.

Technical Complications

Technical complications can arise if the system is not installed correctly, which can be costly to rectify.

Local Regulations

Local regulations can sometimes be restrictive, limiting the amount of energy that can be generated and sold back to the grid.



A grid-connected PV system is a renewable energy system that generates electricity using solar panels. It allows you to use solar power even when the sun is not shining, and it can reduce your energy costs and your carbon footprint. Additionally, grid-connected PV systems are relatively easy to install and maintain, making them a great option for homes and businesses looking to reduce their dependence on the electrical grid and increase their access to clean energy.

Waaree Energies is an expert in Grid connected PV Systems with or without storage. Connect at or 18002121321 to share your customized requirements.

Read more about: 1kW On-Grid Solar System Price in India (2023)

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