In 2015, the Indian government set a high renewable energy growth of 227 gigawatts (GW) by 2022 to help the country’s decarbonization path. Solar capacity was allocated 114 GW, with 40 GW projected to be realized through decentralized and rooftop-scale solar installations.

Rooftop solar panel for home is the popular renewable energy sub-sector in India, as per statistics, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 116% between 2012 and 2018.

Quality PV panel technologies and the brand strength that support them help build a successful solar panel for homes. Solar installation contractors that collaborate with these businesses — whether through partnership programs or dealer networks – can benefit from a variety of additional perks, ranging from preferred pricing and better warranties to enhance training and marketing support.

How many solar panels are needed to run a house?

Installations of photovoltaic solar panels for homes are on the rise. You could have seen an increase in the number of solar panels put on your neighbors’ roofs. If you’re considering using clean solar energy to reduce your power cost, you’re undoubtedly wondering, “How many solar panels do I need for my house?”

Call a rooftop solar supplier or producer who can assess your home’s energy demands for an easy approach to assess the needs of your solar panels.

However, here are a few steps you can take to measure an approximate you may require.

  • Simply examine your electric invoices for the previous 12 months to determine your monthly energy use (This way, you will cover both summer and winter season conditions).
  • Look up the total number of units you used in a given month.
  • Add together the totals and divide by 12 to get an average.

The simplest approach to figure out your total is to contact your energy company and inquire about the facts.

A typical Indian family utilizes around 90 units (kWh) of energy each month, according to research performed in 2014. It’s enough energy to power two light bulbs, a television, ceiling fans, a refrigerator, and a few small kitchen appliances. Certainly, based on the size of your home, the number of family members, and the range of equipment you use, you may consume more or less of the average amount.

Residential power usage rises in the evenings due to the use of television, dining, and other conditioning devices. The biggest influence of solar energy will be when sunshine is at its highest availability.

If you live in the western part of the nation, you may expect a higher number of peak hours than in the northeast. That isn’t to say that a residence in the eastern United States can’t go solar; it just means that you’ll need more panels to produce the same amount of energy.

More information: How Many Solar Panels Do You Need?

How much does it cost to install solar panels?

Solar panels for generating power at home have been available in India for some time. For a long time, most Indians were unable to participate due to financial constraints. However, there has been a reduction in solar panel prices in India in recent years, along with major policy-level initiatives by the Indian government. Now, solar panels for home costs currently appear to be profitable in 2021.

Solar panel installation costs around Rs. 7 per watt. The following quotation may be summarized as follows:

System Size

Cost Per Watt (In ₹)





















Also Read: 15 Solar Tech Gadgets For Your Home

Prices of different manufacturers in India:


Min. Price

Max. Price

Energies Ltd.






Power Solar









How long does it take to install solar panels at home?

Solar power installation on your home usually takes 75- 90 days on average. Permits, the installment itself, examinations, and clearance all take up a significant portion of this time. Solar power has risen to prominence as a result of the climate issue and rising energy bills.

The actual installation of solar panels on your roof generally only takes a day or two, but the time it takes to evaluate companies and for your builder to deal with permits, checks, and other obstacles means the solar power installation process will take at least a few months.

The following are the typical processes that a residential solar installation project will take:

  • Contractor selection
  • Examining proposals
  • The installer pays a technical visit to the job site
  • The signing of the contract
  • Apply to local and utility incentives.
  • Request utility connections as well as local permissions.
  • Inspections of the structural or geotechnical nature
  • Installation of a solar power system
  • Installation of a utility meter
  • Inspections of the local area and utilities
  • Activation of the system!
  • Apply for tax rebates and other incentives when the installation is complete.

Fortunately, your solar installer is in charge of the majority of the labor. There are only a few things in which you will be deeply engaged. It is a general list because not all of the items will apply to all.

You can also read aboutThe Definitive Guide to Buy a Solar System on EMI

Do solar panels provide electricity during a blackout?

First and foremost, let’s clarify one point that may seem self-evident: solar panels do not operate in the dark. For the vast majority of solar-paneled houses, this entails having a grid connection that provides power when your panels aren’t producing any.

Your bulbs will remain on in the dark if your model includes batteries, although batteries are only included in a tiny fraction of solar homes. When there is an outage, it seems that most solar photovoltaic systems will stop working. Your inverter handles this mechanically to prevent a condition known as islanding, which may be harmful to utility personnel who don’t anticipate cables to be active.

Final thoughts

Many customers may invest in long-term energy savings by using solar electricity. As you can see, there are several things to consider when deciding which solar is best for you. Fortunately, Waaree Experts are local solar professionals and internet tools to assist you. To find out which solar option is best for you, contact your local solar contractor now.

Read more: 21 Ways to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

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