Light is an essential commodity that is taken for granted? The usage of electricity is also highly exploited due to its easy availability. With rising technology, the dependency on electricity has also increased drastically in society. Although the metropolitan cities have a fair share of electricity under their belt, using and wastage is devastating the planet.

But this usage is not uniform across various platforms. There are still many parts that face hardship due to the scarcity of light and electricity. These issues are mainly present in terrains and hilly sides. The landscape of the location is so hard to commute. Therefore, the people living there are stripped of their essential needs.

Not all houses in such locations have the luxury of electricity or current. It has made it difficult for them to lead an easy life like the rest of the country. One of the hardships faced by the children who reside in such locations is getting light. It is a tiring task. The children are often placed in a difficult position as they don’t have sufficient light to conduct their daily activities. It indeed impacts their academics as well. They don’t have the light to study, complete their work, or complete simple chores that get them by the day.

Hilly terrain has the added disadvantage of an early sunset. It makes the place darker very soon. Kids who want to come back late from school might often incur accidents due to the limited light facility available. Along with not being able to play, they might also find it hard to study or learn due to the limited availability of lights.

To find a solution to this issue, a professor at the Indian Institute of Technology located in Guwahati invented a product. Ms Charu Monga created a bag for the students and children that has a light fixed to it. To make it more affordable and sustainable, Charu Monga tried the idea of using solar-powered light.

In this manner, it would be easier for the students to power the light without the need for electricity. Added to that, the bag has a light attached to it, this makes it easier for the students to carry it around without losing it or forgetting it. The light also has the feature to be detached from the bag and carried around in the hand if the need arises.

The bag is named solar Jugnu and is indeed a revolution in the usage of solar power. The bag is at present in its prototype and is only distributed for free in certain parts of the country. With the help of the bag, it is easier for the students to perform their homework and learning activities without the need for an external lighting source.

Initially, the children in places with limited lighting options used to perform their duties with the help of candlelight. These candlelight’s only emitted minimum light and were also dangerous to be handled by small children. There are risks of getting burned if you don’t handle the candle with care. To relieve the children from such a situation a detachable solar-charged LED lamp was created and attached to the bag.

See also: How to Make a Solar Diya at Home?

Some of the features of Solar Jugnu are as follows:

  • Waterproof:
  • Weather in terrain locations is highly volatile. They can never be predicted. It might be sunny in the morning and soon it might start to rain. Thus, to sustain such drastic conditions, the Solar Jugnu is designed in a waterproof manner. This quality of the bag will ensure that the torch in the bag doesn’t get affected by the water that gets exposed from outside. Along with that, being waterproof makes the bag highly durable as well as long-lasting. It might not get damaged by other issues as well and can be used for a long time without worrying.

  • Sustainable:
  • The bags used for Solar Jugnu are made using reused materials. Old waste materials are collected and recycled, they are then converted to fabrics through which the bags are made. This is a great way for saving the environment as well. Along with offering a light facility to children, the recycled materials also help the environment in saving waste and can also be made affordably. This makes the bag be used by a wider section of society.

  • Safe:
  • The bag is mainly used by school children. As most of them will have to travel around 5 km to their school with minimal surveillance in difficult regions there are certain safety measures added. The bag has an inbuilt buzzer that is very loud. This buzzer can be used by children to create alerts when there is an emergency or dangerous situation.

    It has been stated by Monga that the idea of adding a buzzer for the emergency purpose was suggested by a student. This displays the amount of interest and eagerness that the children were displaying towards the project.

  • Compact:
  • Despite having such high technology and other similar sustainable features, the solar bag is constructed in such a manner that it is very lightweight and easily foldable. The bag doesn’t add any extra weight or burden to the children and is compact enough to be carried around in difficult landscapes.

    A bag is such a simple solar product that has been used by students for a generation. Over some time, the innovation in bags and bag styles has been huge. Starting from adding different pouches to increasing the luggage capacity, bags as a product have evolved multi-level. Whereas, Ms. Charu Monga has indeed made a revolutionary change in the manner of designing a bag. She has not just solved one of the greatest issues of lighting to the children but has also made it in such an effective manner, that nature is protected as well.

Solar Jugnu has helped a lot of students to travel to school comfortably and safely. They can also use the solar-powered light to study when it’s dark at their homes. Solar Jugnu is a remarkable invention that has made a lot of lives easier across the country and with proper funding and financial support, it can indeed aid many more students in the entire nation. For more details on Solar energy and its uses, contact us at 1800-2121-321 or email at

Read more: The 5 Best Outdoor Solar Lights (2021-22)

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