Technological improvements have made solar energy more feasible. It is evident that shortly solar energy will be the most abundant form of energy available to humans. Numerous technologies use solar energy, including inverter technologies.

The introduction of solar energy has changed inverter technologies profusely. A central inverter, also known as the string inverter, and solar panel micro-inverter that use solar energy are available in the market. If you are looking to get an inverter for your home or office and want to know in detail which one to choose from, you are in the right place.

Is string inverter a better choice?

A string inverter is a peerless box close to your electricity meter or main service panel. Depending on the size of the solar power system, one or two string inverters are available for residential solar installation. Waaree is one of the most trusted companies to manufacture these products.

Why use a string inverter?

  • User-friendly
  • The main reason why one must choose a string inverter is because of its easy-to-operate features. Only one inverter is needed to convert the DC electricity to AC power. The troubleshooting steps are simple as it is solar-powered.

  • Economical
  • The cost of setting up a string inverter and maintaining it is way more cost-efficient than an inverter available in the market.

  • Maintenance
  • A string inverter and its solar panel uses very minimal wiring. The wiring issues are almost negligible, and maintenance is easy.

Does the string inverter have any cons?

The answer is yes, based on the area one lives. Below are a few cons of the string inverter.

  • Efficiency in restricted shade
  • These inverters work in series, and if there is a situation where one panel of the output is affected, then the entire series of the panel is altered in equal magnitudes.

  • Panel Monitoring
  • It is important to check the solar panels to have a consistent flow. The individual solar panels may have cracks or wreckage.

Are micro inverters a better choice?

A micro inverter is an inverter that performs the same functions as a string inverter, but they are installed underneath the solar panels. The inverters control the output of a single solar panel. A micro inverter converts the power generated by each panel to the grid voltage.

Why use a micro-inverter?

  • Abundant Electricity
  • The advantage of solar panel micro-inverters is that they can yield more solar power. There are differences in currents between the solar panels. It has the minimum wiring cost among all.

  • Longevity
  • A micro-inverter has 25 years of warranty compared to standard inverters that have a warranty of 8 to 12 years.

  • Panel-Monitoring
  • All the solar panels are monitored and optimized for feasibility. The whole system can be monitored at the module level.

Does the micro inverter have any cons?

Yes. These inverters have drawbacks listed below:

  • Expensive
  • Micro inverters are very expensive to buy and maintain. These inverters are made up of expensive metal equipment. They have a high per watt cost.

  • High Maintenance
  • When a micro-inverter fails, it is difficult to determine the malfunctioning component. Micro-inverters are very difficult to maintain as the installation is module-wise.

Which is the best inverter for your home?

There is a list of things to keep in mind and a list of questions to ask yourself before choosing the correct inverter. String inverters are wallet-friendly and easy to maintain. Regular households prefer a feasible inverter to micro inverters or solar micro inverters. Micro inverters are expensive but are more efficient than string inverters. They are the most convenient inverter for small offices or large households. Below are listed the factors to consider before choosing the correct inverter:

  • Price
  • Longevity
  • Installation
  • Performance
  • System Expansion Capacity
  • Troubleshooting Steps
  • Monitoring(Remote/Smart Home)
  • Safety
  • Battery
  • Functions
  • Reliability
  • External Conditions Adaptation

The factors above allow you to weigh down the pros and cons of a micro inverter vs a string inverter. The price of the inverters varies, as string inverters are quite affordable while micro inverters are expensive. The micro inverters last for more than 25 years, while string inverters have a limited lifespan. Installation of the string inverters is quite easy compared to micro inverters.

Solar micro inverters are more efficient than string inverters. The system expansion capacity of micro inverters is excellent, while the string inverter might need one more inverter. String inverters are easy to maintain and handle. Micro inverters can be maintained remotely. They are also easy to install compared to string inverters. String inverters are initially good and maybe questionable later, but micro-inverters are reliable throughout their life span. Below is a table of a micro inverter vs a string inverter.


Micro inverter

String inverter


Very expensive

Not much expensive


25 years

5-12 years


Easy to install (plug and play)

Quite complicated


Very high

High, low under non-ideal conditions

System Expansion Capacity

Excellent doesn’t need any other source

Not good, may need another inverter

Troubleshooting Steps

Very simple and convenient

Moderately difficult to troubleshoot

Monitoring (Remote/Smart Home)

Yes, remote monitoring is applicable

No, remote monitoring is not applicable


The Rapid Emergency shutdown is available even at lower voltages

No rapid emergency shutdown is available


The battery is expensive but efficient

The battery is not expensive and moderately efficient


Excellent under any conditions

High under specific conditions


Very reliable and long last lasting

Reliable but not for a long time

External Conditions Adaptation

Great adaptation to external conditions

Very limited response to external conditions


Mostly easy to maintain

Easy to maintain

There isn’t any best solar inverter for all applications. It depends on the above factors, and if you choose wisely, you will have the desired inverter at your convenience. Hope this helps you understand and choose the right inverter for you. If you want to know more about string inverters vs micro-inverters in detail, please head to Waaree. It is one of the most trusted places to buy solar.

Choosing the right inverter might just be as easy as clicking on this link. Visit the official website for Waaree Energies and avail only the best in the industry.

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