Asking yourself, “how many solar panels I need” is the first step in saying goodbye to one of the most expensive energy bills in the world. The use of solar energy has grown significantly in recent years, and it is not difficult to understand this growing adoption. Whether for economic reasons or a sustainable solution, it is impossible to ignore the fact that solar energy is, today, the best way to keep homes and industries functioning. But there is no doubt that the savings are worth every initial investment at the end of the calculation. So, give this article a read to know more!

How much solar power will you need?

The actual consumption depends on variables of its use. Energy consumption probably varies from electrical appliance to appliance. Typically, you need to analyze your electricity bills for the last 12 months to have a fair idea regarding solar energy consumption. One good tip- always remember that it is safer to use a somewhat higher value for calculation when in doubt. Most of these machines with average volume use less than 20W. Some of the fields to fill in have default values. It would be best if you changed them according to your needs. An investor is necessary if you require 220V (or 380V three-phase).

Depending on your installation, losses per kWh can vary significantly. For example, if the distance between the panels and the controller is very long or when using lower quality equipment, this preset value should be increased. With modern, high-quality products, good batteries, good installation, and favorable situations, the loss is less. The default value of 16% is an applicable average for standard installations. So, probably after analyzing all this, you will know about the quantity of how much solar I need.

How many watts do you currently use?

Whether you are thinking of going off the grid or want to get an idea of how many watts a house needs before buying a grid-connected solar power system. You need to consider some points to know about the actual power consumption in daily usage.

Regarding the consumption of electricity in our homes, we have the possibility of making an estimate, that is, determining approximately the energy consumption. This estimate can be made if we know the electrical power of the equipment and the time of use of each one of them.

To know the total consumption of electric energy during a day, we calculate the consumption values of each device, multiplying its power by its daily usage time. For example, if we leave a 60 W light between 8:00 pm and 6:00 am the following day, the light will consume energy E = 60 x 10 = 600 Wh, or 0.6 kWh each day. So, after adding the consumption of all appliances for a month, we will obtain the total amount of energy used in our home.

Moreover, with average electricity consumption, the power of your meter ( 9.2 kVA on average ) should be sufficient. This allows you to supply devices with a total power of a maximum of 9.2 kW or 9200 watts. Since you never use all of your appliances simultaneously, its basic installation is more than enough in practical terms.

However, your actual power generation may vary, depending on the size of your home, the efficiency of your appliances and lighting, and your insulation and air sealing, among other factors.

Have you read: Types of solar panels – Find the Right Solar Panel That Fits Your Home

What duration of sunlight can you expect in your area?

If you have considered switching to solar energy, before going to the solar panel companies, you should know if your roofs receive enough sunlight, which will determine the size of the array. It is essential to bear in mind that only a few hours a day are those that make the most of the solar panels and generate more than 70% of the system’s energy; These are known as “peak solar hours.”

Although solar panels produce energy during all the hours they receive sunlight, they work best when it hits the panels directly, which occurs in India between four and five hours a day, depending on the angle at which they are installed.

Since solar hours are a relatively fixed value in each region, based on the number of hours available, specialized companies will determine the number of solar panels they require to generate the necessary energy to meet their needs. In India, any area with more than five peak solar hours is considered an optimal location for solar energy production and makes any facility profitable with a minimum of solar panels.

Read further: How Do Solar Panels Generate Electricity?

Factors that affect solar panel output efficiency?
    • Temperature

Temperature influences the efficiency of solar panels due to the intrinsic characteristic of the semiconductor material. The efficiency of solar panels increases when there is a drop in the temperature and decreases at high temperatures as the voltage across the cells decreases.

    • Energy conversion efficiency

The solar panels have a different spectral response depending on the type of module. Therefore, the change in spectral irradiance influences the generation of solar energy. Energy conversion efficiency can be increased by reducing the reflection of incident light.

    • The orientation, inclination, latitude of the site, and weather conditions

The installation of photovoltaic modules must consider some factors to make the most of solar radiation: orientation, inclination, the latitude of the place, weather conditions. Proper consideration of these variants will help ensure that they produce the maximum energy when exposed to the highest intensity of solar radiation for the longest time.

    • Solar panel maintenance

Solar panels are very durable, and the main warranties last between 15 and 25 years. However, cleaning the solar panels is important to maximize the amount of light available to be converted into electrical energy. Carrying out frequent physical inspections can help solar panels absorb light effectively.

Now that you know all the important factors related to installing solar panels and factors affecting their efficiency, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with Waaree Energies Ltd. today for prompt installation of solar panels in your homes.

Also Read: Solar Panels for Your Home in 2023

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