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Solar energy is the future of power. As the world shifts towards this unlimited source of energy, new inventions are being made every day. You can now integrate solar energy into just about any part of your life. However, most people are unaware of how to do it.

In this article, we’ve highlighted 11 extraordinary ways of solar energy conservation that you can use for your home, commercial building, or shop. We all can follow these simple methods, whether living in an urban or rural area, without any major sacrifices.

List of 11 Ways to Go Solar –

  1. Use solar water heaters
  2. Decrease hot water usage
  3. Use full-loads for appliances
  4. Use solar power chargers and banks
  5. Use solar ovens
  6. Turn off appliances
  7. Find energy-efficient appliances
  8. Install compact fluorescent light bulbs
  9. Air-dry your clothes
  10. Embrace passive solar heating
  11. Maintain your appliances

Water heaters require a lot of energy to provide you with hot water. This energy requirement often increases the electricity bill you have to pay at the end of the month. Instead of depending upon the power supply from the city’s grid, you can buy a solar water heater. Solar water heaters maximize energy by circulating the water through a black collector, absorbing and emitting the highest possible solar energy.

As mentioned in the first point, water heaters require a lot of energy. However, the higher the temperature of the water, the more energy is required. Therefore, even if you’re using a solar water heater, you are likely wasting a lot of energy if you desire water at extremely high temperatures. For solar energy conservation, the best solution would be to lower the water temperature you use. If you can complete the activity with lukewarm water, opt for using it instead of waiting for water to heat up.

Appliances like washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers are used every day, and they are necessary. If you’re looking to save energy, a simple option for you would be to use these appliances only when they are fully loaded. Instead of completing a washing cycle for 4-5 clothes, wait for the washing machine to be three-quarters full or completely loaded before using the appliance.

Solar energy chargers and power banks are two readily available appliances. These are portable and lightweight and can easily be carried with you anywhere. If your day-to-day life includes a lot of traveling in the sun, you can harness this energy to charge the power bank and then use it to charge your appliances. They can also be carried with you when you are traveling or backpacking across the terrain.

Cooking food in the sun is not a new tactic. In India, millions of people dry papads and make pickles in the sun. This solar energy has also been harnessed to make solar ovens and furnaces. Solar ovens may not have enough energy to cook meat, but they can cook vegetables, pastries, and fruits. These appliances can maintain a temperature of about 180℃, which is enough to cook food thoroughly.

One of the most common mistakes that most people make is placing their laptops, PCs, and other appliances on "standby” mode instead of turning them off. This mistake does not help you conserve energy. Instead, to keep the appliance on standby mode, the appliance uses more energy. Therefore, if you are not using the appliance, the best way to conserve solar energy is to turn off the appliance.

Have you read5 Ways to decide if Solar is Right for You!

When you decide to take the right steps towards solar energy conservation, the first thing you should look at is the energy efficiency of your appliance. Older appliances are often less energy efficient than newer ones. This might not make a difference if your fridge is just 2 years old. But if your fridge is 12 years old or more, then it is no longer energy efficient. In such cases, the best solution would be to replace older appliances with newer ones.

Incandescent light bulbs are popularly used in most houses. However, they require a lot of energy to work. If your home works on solar energy, a significant amount of this energy is directed to keeping these lights on. Therefore, if you want to go solar, replace these incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). They can save up to 75% of solar energy and reduce your energy usage.

Air-drying is a common concept in India. However, in recent years, powered dryers have become common. Unfortunately, dryers use a lot of unnecessary energy. Instead of drying your clothes using a dryer, air-dry them. The solar energy and the wind blowing will dry your clothes in no time. Furthermore, you will also be able to reduce your energy consumption.

Passive solar heating is a concept that many people don’t use. According to this concept, instead of closing your windows and curtains, you should keep them open to allow natural light to filter in. If you have a window that faces the sun, the energy will naturally heat your home. This is an excellent way to use solar energy during winters or if you live in a place with a colder climate.

We have already established that newer appliances are more energy-efficient than older ones. However, to keep them working efficiently, they need to be maintained. Most homeowners don’t call for a maintenance service until the appliance is broken and needs a repair. In the long run, this makes the appliance inefficient and increases electricity bills.

These are the eleven simple ways for solar energy conservation. Saving energy is the prime responsibility of every person. Integrating solar panels into your home allows you to be independent of the city’s power grid and conserve more energy.

When installing a solar panel, partner with a trusty and worthy Solar Panel Manufacturer in India. We have over 30 years of experience in providing solar services. We manufacture all types of solar products, including solar panels, solar batteries, and solar inverters. If you’re ready to install a solar panel in your home, find out more by visiting our website.

Also read: 10 Strong Reasons – Why solar energy is important for the future

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