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Solar can be an effective way of consuming energy without harming the environment and safeguarding your pockets. It has a valuable effect on the development and the economy by supporting a means of electricity production, water treatment, heating, cooling, and ventilation on commercial and household levels. Utilizing natural and renewable resources is already a sign of development but, what if solar energy is not for you?

Solar development has undergone an increase from the past few years and according to the International Energy Agency could provide a third of the world’s energy by 2060. Solar energy might have solved many urgent problems that the world faces now, but it may not solve yours. In the following article, you can determine whether solar panels and solar energy suits you or not.

  1. Spacing: roof or ground
  2. Usually, solar panels are either set up on the roof or ground depending on the space. You can place the solar panel on the roof but have to consider the space available on the roof; a 5 kW structure (which would cover a $60 electricity bill) will envelop around 500 sq. ft. of space. Also, make sure that your roof has maximum exposure to sunlight, for example, there are chances that if you are living in a city that your house or building experiences shadows of structures and trees around.

    South and west-facing roofs are best for solar panels as they experience most sunlight but west and east-facing roofs also have some scope. 30-45 degree inclined roofs are most ideal for energy generation adding to it, EnergySage claims that a solar panel placed at a 5-degree angle only produces 10% less than an angle leaning at the 30-degree angle. If you have a flat roof then ballast mount systems allow your panels to be tilted up to produce maximum energy.

    If you are not facilitating with the roof you can assist your solar system on the ground. It will consume your space and installation of ground-level solar panels are combatively pricier than roof level. 

  3. Electricity: usage and bills
  4. Solar energy will always protect you from high electricity bills. You might not notice great savings if you have a small house but for commercial purposes, it can have a booming effect on your bank account.

    You can notice a considerable amount of saving after some time. If you reside in a big house or own a business with huge electric bills, a solar system could save you a considerable amount of money. However, if you have comparatively economical electricity rates, solar can still be a great option, because on the house electricity is better than low-cost electricity is on the house electricity.

    Have you read: 10 Strong Reasons – Why solar energy is important for the future

  5. Financial consideration: taxes and incentives
  6. If you pay federal taxes, you’ll be able to take advantage of a huge solar incentive: the solar investment tax credit from the federal government. Through 2022, this incentive returns 26% of your solar system’s cost through a decline in your owed taxes. By 2023 the residential taxes will drop to 22%. In 2024 even below 22%, it will exist as a 10% credit for businesses only.

    If you can share the benefit of one or both of these incentives, the solar panel can be an immense speculation with an elevated return. But if you don’t pay federal taxes, mechanism costs will get smaller than ROI and amplify your payback time. 

    Even though solar systems are cost-efficient for a longer period in contrast to utility electric, you have to pay for the system sincerely. Whether through cash, loans, your capability to furnish the project is the main agenda when deciding whether or not solar is beneficial for you.

  7. Climate check:
  8. The most common belief is that if you want to install a solar setup you need at least 300 days of sunshine to uphold the benefits of the solar system. Adopting solar as the main source of energy is wise only if the area you live in has favorable environmental conditions.

    The amount of money you accumulate on your annual utility bill depends largely on two factors: the cost of electricity in your area and the available solar rebates and incentives in your area. Countries like Germany receive the similar amount of sunlight as Alaska as evidence leads to solar panel installation. Therefore, the warmest places in the country don’t always offer the greatest savings from solar.

    Sometimes, snow can be a little problematic as it collects on panels and has tough timing producing energy, but that is a short-lived concern. The angle of panels combined with a sunlight absorbing dark color means that snow quickly melts or slides away giving its maximum exposure to light and environment. 

  9. Rules and regulations:
  10. Not every government allows you to access solar panels so before setting up a system check into the rules and regulations of the city. Check that you live in a locality governed by a homeowner’s association.  HOA may have a policy surrounding solar panel installation.

    There are likely local necessities for authorization as well, whether that’s from the city or county building department. Though your service provider will handle all permitting, it’s important to recognize the rules and regulations about your home and its surrounding areas.

These are some of the factors that are required to set up a solar panel for your residence and commercial sites. If you think you can hold these standards, you are good to enjoy the different fruits of nature without disturbing the environment. 

Waaree energies Ltd. has been a trusted company since 1989 and has 14 years of experience holding presence in over 350 locations nationally and in 68 countries. We aim to provide high quality and cost efficient sustainable energy solutions across the market. We strive for continuous improvement in the quality of products and services. We offer quick pay back within 3 years and the rest 20 years of operation – free of cost. For more details you can check our site

Read further: 21 Ways to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

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