A lot of people have asked should I get solar panels on my house. This is mainly due to it being a lifetime investment and whether a rooftop solar system is ideal for their house. These days, solar panels have now become a standard option for people as their prices have started to drop while the system’s efficiency has been on the rise. However, there are still many individuals within the country who refuse to have this system installed.

Reasons Why Many Indians Haven’t Installed Solar Panels

Though there are different forms of solar panel benefits in India, there are some people who prefer not to install this system on their rooftop due to these reasons:

Not enough rooftop space

Unlike ground-mounted solar systems, rooftop systems are considered more lucrative as they are not only installed on expensive and luxurious real estate. These solar panels on the terrace are placed in the corner of the roof that is not being used. However, this can be a problem for individuals who do not have enough terrace space. Rather than
installing a solar panel, they would prefer to use the space for something else.


Before anyone asks the question should I get solar panels on my house, it is important to consider the various cost factors necessary. Because these panels are a lifetime investment, the installation process has various intricate steps to ensure the system works efficiently without any problems. After this comes the various maintenance services required to keep the system in peak condition during its lifespan of around 25 years.

Solar subsidy

The solar subsidy is government support provided to residential homes, encouraging them to invest in solar panels. This is to reduce our dependency on other natural resources like water and coal. Considering solar energy is free and clean, this functions as a way to produce more self-energy. Even though the solar subsidy is part of India’s many solar panel benefits, there isn’t any clear information on how much each residential household can claim or receive.

Requires a battery

The main idea behind solar panels on terraceis to draw in energy from the sun, which is then used to power one’s home in various aspects. However, solar panels are only able to store a certain amount of energy, depending on their size. For families that require more, they have to separately invest in a battery to help store the excess energy for later use, which can also be expensive.

No EMI plan available

Unlike many products and appliances in India, solar panels do not come with an EMI plan. EMIs make things easier for customers when they are looking to purchase expensive items. However, as Bank Financing is available for rooftop solar panels in India, a lot of Public Sector Banks provide loans under the category of Home Loan or Home Improvement Loan.

As the world continues to evolve, so will technology and other industries. Though many find it difficult to invest in solar panels, through the help of top-ranking companies in India like Waaree Energies Ltd, things have become easier. Regarded as the largest solar panel manufacturing company, its EPC arm works towards providing cost-effective and top-quality sustainable energy to each person.


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